Here is a Golden Fishing Report from Deputy Don and Leaf at KROOT.
Tag Archives: Golden Trout
The Illustrious Golden Trout

Twisp Highlands Golden Trout
The illustrious Golden Trout is what some call one of the “Holy Grail” fish of the North Cascades. As a policy the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife stocks these fish into lakes without trails and they do not disclose their location. Much of the more challenging stocking is still done by plane, mule and hardworking volunteers. All this hard work, toil and secrecy can make one understand why some treat this fish with such reverence. Of course all of this is nothing compared to actually holding one of these high mountain beauties in your hand.
Of course as they say nothing good comes easy and that is definitely the case with any of the golden trout lakes in the Methow area. I have been to two of the approximately 6 or 8 in the area and they are the “easiest”. This particular lake lies about 7.5 miles from the trailhead, the first 5 miles is easy trail, that’s when you start to earn it though. After what seems like an easy start the route sends you 2 miles up through thick brush at 1,000 feet per mile (this time we tripped two ground hornet nests too). At this point you break above most trees and welcome the last half mile of rock scramble.
Many of these areas where first explored by white trappers with help of the Methow native peoples knowledge and trails. Later miners following gold in the streams below starting looking for its source in the high peaks, this lead to the many grown over trails and cabins that can still be found. Once one gains a knowledge of how these people where moving around in our backcountry many options open up for fun tours through amazing country.
Originally from the Sierra Nevada Range of the California the Golden Trout are not native to Washington State. However these beautiful fish are literally made for the high mountains as they will only take on their full potential coloring at altitudes over 5,000ft. As well these fish thrive in water so cold and so small other fish would find it almost impossible to even get by. In this trip me friend and I observed two fish over 12 and up to 14 inches in the tiniest of pools in the lakes out fall. At only about 10 inches deep with an average snow fall of 6-10 feet in the area it literally boggles my mind that these fish not only survive but also manage to thrive in these arduous conditions.
As far as advice for finding the nearest Golden Trout Lake in your area I would just say ask your most knowledgeable backcountry fisher friends. Any one attempting one of these trips should be aware of your fitness and skill level, if not you will find nature very truthful and blunt in her critique as I did on my first mission.
I do not guide backcountry however I am happy to point you in the right direction on most things and am happy give advice as well. May your next trip into the backcountry be awesome and safe! – Leaf
KTRT 97.5 Fish Tale “GOLD in Them Thar Hills!!!”
Gold! That was the cry that rang out through the hills of many parts of the American west at the turn of the century. Now with the rising price of precious metals we see people pushing the limits to get at this shinny prize again. In this case however the place is the same but the gold being sought is in the swimming form Agua Bonita to be precise, Golden Trout.
In the state of Washington Golden Trout are stocked into lakes above 5,000 ft. with no outfalls, no trail and as a bonus there are no stock reports which makes finding a Golden Trout lake almost as hard as getting to one. In the end however for those hearty souls that completes one of the handfuls of treks in the Methow Backcountry in search of this rare fish the rewards can be endless.
The first time I made the hike into this particular lake I found it destroyed by a large avalanche which had occurred sometime early that spring. Due to the precarious position in which this small tarn sits it is very exposed to the harsh conditions in its given location. Many of the lakes in the high country experience very short, truncated summers and long winters which have a way of making the creatures make the most of their time.
As my friend and I made the trek in I found myself praying to the fish gods repeatedly as I gasped for breath “please let there be fish, please let there be fish”, so as I made the last pitch and dropped my pack all I could do was stand, pray and watch for rings. It didn’t take long, at first I thought they might just be bugs coming off but then, splash and again, I knew it was all worth it.
After a “Full on Double Rainbow” like experience I got down to fishing and before long it was on, the fish seemed to be feeding mostly on tiny Calibatis nymphs as they emerged so I dropped a small Pheasant Tail Nymph about 2ft under a small indicator and the spunky Goldens started to respond.
In the end I caught more than a dozen from the lake; one group seemed to be about 6-8 inches and the other about 10-12. Golden Trout are smart as they have not been fully domesticated lake their rainbow cousins, so you have to observe and adjust to what fish are after. My friend Thomas and I found many beautiful fish in a few small pools in the lakes outfall before it sunk underground. Fishing sessions were punctuated by berry picking sessions, both blueberries and huckleberries were in mass, our clothes were stained from sitting on them as well as faces and hands from gorging upon them.
On the second day Thomas and I took a tour to the pass above the lake to check out the mine above and take in a view before our walk down. Sitting on a knoll above the lake we found an old miners cabin with quite a view, Thomas wanted to stay. After prying my hiking partner away from the cabin we made our way up the short handmade mine-car road between the mine and the cabin. After a short inspection of the mine we made our way to the pass and took in views on all sides.
On my long walk out I was struck by the will and determination required to accomplish the feats of engineering people have pushed themselves to in the middle of no were. I felt like I understood what drew these people to this place so high, so far away from civilization and I understand how it might be hard to come back.