At long last here is this weeks KROOT Fishing Report with Deputy Don and Leaf. Fish On Yawl!
Methow Fishing Report
Hello again out there in fish land, it’s been a bit since I’ve had a chance to update the blog part of the fish report and with Deputy Don and I at KROOT having a hard time meeting up I figured it was about time. It’s spring, almost summer here in the Methow Valley so there is plenty to talk about.
All three rivers are coming down very quickly this year with the Methow feeling the effects of the drought like many parts of the state. With that said the water is still on the high side for fishing and wading but still productive, look for things to get better as water comes down a bit more. Also with upcoming hot temps look for dry fly fishing to really turn on.
Lately as I do most springs I usually tote around two set-ups just to make things faster when switching between rigs. One rod usually a 4 or 5wt I keep rigged with a dry, most likely stimulator or Chernobyl pattern. On my other rod I use my 6wt as my preferred nymphing stick, my nymph set-up is typically a two nymph rig with first bug 1.5 times depth of water and the dropper about 16 inches under that, golden, olive and black stones are best (sizes 8-10).
Peak season this year on the Met will most likely be last week of June through second week of July as flows are receding about 2-3 weeks early. Dry fly action should be hot and heavy starting end of this month as temps get to 90’s and above.
If you have any questions about fishing conditions or would like to book a trip with Methow Fishing Adventures just drop us a line on the Guides pages or feel free to shoot me a call at (509) 429-7298. Have fun out there, be safe, Fish On!