Here is this weeks KROOT Fishing Report with Deputy Don and Leaf. Fish On Yawl!!!
Methow Fishing Report
Well folks the smoke has settled again in the Methow and we are all getting back to what it is we do. Fishing has been great which might come as a surprise but I guess you just can’t stop fish from doing what they do. Just like so many times before we see ourselves confronted with very abnormal conditions and just like so many times before we see fish doing what they do regardless.
Just like any other year I see large residualised steelhead returning just ahead of the anadromus steelhead run (perhaps because they have a head start?). Residualised steelhead are steelhead which decided for whatever reason not to make the journey all the way to the ocean, instead deciding to stay somewhere in the freshwater. These residualised fish seem to arrive about two weeks before the first big push of “full-sized” steelhead making for some amazing late summer / early fall big dry fly takes.
This is also the time of the year you will have a take from one of the few full-sized steel first up the system. Remember steelhead season is not open until its open so I recommend using the large dry Golden Stones and October Caddis we would at this time of the year. Fish for trout, if you do encounter a steelhead or any other fish for that matter though treat it with care and return it to the water as quick as you can.
Hoot owl regs are still in place for now but I do expect them to be removed soon as temps are down. Flows are still low so wading is no problem but boating will be. Fishing is good all through-out open sections of the Methow, read regs well before fishing. Also now is the time to start getting back out on to the lowland lakes. With these colder nights and shorter days look for fishing to improve on the still water as well.
If you are interested in booking a trip or just need some fishing tips just give us a call (509) 429-7298 and don’t forget, Fish On Yawl!!!
Blessings and thanks to all firefighters and their families.