Phil w another fatty
Here is this weeks KROOT fishing report w Deputy D and Leaf.
Phil w another fatty
Here is this weeks KROOT fishing report w Deputy D and Leaf.
Finley with fish on at Upper Tiffany Lake
Here is this weeks KROOT fishing report with Deputy Don and Leaf Happy Dog Days Yawl!
Here is this weeks KROOT Fishing Report with Deputy Don and Leaf.
Leif w catch o the day
Hey yawl it’s been a bit. The radio station has been down for a few days due to equipment issues. So it looks as though this week’s report will come from my key board. The weather has been a bit crazy with some lightning storms which have led to fluctuations in the flow. The same storms have hit the radio stations transmitter at KROOT.
Over all fishing have been really good and the water conditions much better than last season at this time. I have been fishing from Burma Rd. to the top end of the Methow, Twisp and Chewuch; all three rivers have yielded very nice fish from top to bottom. I would encourage people to break from the usual Twisp to Winthrop water on the Methow, not only does this stretch get beat up but the rest of the three rivers are great too.
Twisp Rvr Redband
For me it’s been all about the dry flys. From the start this has been a great baetis year and now it’s the double time effect of the Golden Stone and the hopper. The summers golden stone is the biggest of the sub-species to hatch each year and right now it’s really getting started. As well hoppers are really starting to fall leading to some of the biggest surface grabs you’ll see.
We will be getting the radio station back on the air in the next few days so expect another report soon. If you are looking to book a trip or just need some fishin tips feel free to drop a line at (509) 429-7298 or methow fishingadventures@gmail.com
Chewuch Rvr.