Here is this weeks KROOT Fishing Report with Deputy Don and Leaf, Fish On Yawl!!!
Category Archives: Fishing Update
KTRT 97.5 Methow Fishing Report
Weekly Methow Fishing Report
Spring stillwater is here again folks, gone is the icy chill of winter and we switch now from the river to the many beautiful lakes in the Methow and Okagnogan Valleys. There are many year round options in the area from Bonaparte and Omak Lake to the handful of smaller lakes in the Methow such as Davis, Patterson and Frost. As well as lowland lakes there are also a few in the National Forest as well like Blackpine, Beaver, Rock lks, Black, and Buck lakes, all of these lakes are at a middle elevation, some are a hike and all can be great at this time of the year.
When I head to lakes such as Black, Beaver and Rock lakes I always take my float tube (and warm under layers), the ability to get out there is everything as many of these lakes are protected by a ring of back cast stopping trees and bushes. As well as a float-tube I always bring two reels, one with sinking line and another with full float, buggers and leaches are my go to in these lakes.
You will find Black Lk. About 10 miles up West Chewuch, trail follows Lake Creek and is about 6 miles of easy trail. Beaver is off the 4235 road on the Loup north of Loup Loup Ski Bowl, trail is an old jeep road pretty easy, about 1.5miles. Rock Lakes are very fun with fat cutties in the lower lake and nice Brooke Trout in Upper Rock, to find Rock Lakes follow Rock Cr. Road 10 miles to Rock Lake Camp ground, Rock lakes are below camp about 75 yards, Upper Rock is about 50yards through thick brush above Lower Rock.
General opener for lowland lakes is April 25th. As you can see though there are many pre-season options for those who can’t wait. Spring can hold some of the funnest surprises and is just plain beautiful, I hope you can all get out there! If there is anything I didn’t cover in the report, if you have any questions about area fishing, or if you want to inquire about a trip just drop me a line on the Guides page or give a call at (509) 429-7298 Happy Spring Fish On!
River Condition Alert!
Well folks looks like this could be it for the 2014-15 steelhead season. The rising daytime temps coupled with the now above freezing overnight temps are sending flows back up again.
Given where we sit now as far as flows go and temps getting even warmer (and a couple days of rain expected as well) the river will be pretty much unfishable again in a few days from now.
So get it now if you can and if you can’t get it now then just watch the USGS graph at Pateros and hope it stays under 1400cfs.