“Metageden” that’s what they are calling the most recent form of natural disaster around here. I think the term would be pretty close in some cases. I n many places and many ways around the Methow Valley we have seen massive change over the last couple of months.
My family and I as well as many others have lost our homes in one of the many events to transpire in the Methow Valley over the last few months. One thing however remains and that is the spirit of the people in the Methow, strong as ever.
So fishing, yeah we’re still fishing and we’re having fun too, in between disasters and all. I have been on the river and have been on the still water too and both have been great. You can feel the end of summer in the air and in the water temps. As is usual for me at this time of the year I am wanting nothing more than to head to the high-country in seek of beautiful trout and mountain views.